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winding down

參考例句:Many people think they are and like to play zhuangbility, which only reflect their shability

一開始沒反應過來,之後是爆笑收場。哈哈,真是隻有中國人才能看得懂。Does he think he can sit back quietly now that the inquiry is over?

難道他以為審訊收場,就可以高枕無憂了?on the kerb

場外交易,交易所收場後的買賣Half an hour later the curtain finally came down on "the dump Nixon movement".

半小時後,“把尼克松拋棄掉”的運動終於收場了。 Their attempts to clean up politics and smash the power of party machines failed.

他們力圖重整政壇、摧毀現有的政黨機器,卻以失敗收場。 He conducted its heartbreaking phase-out with dignity

他莊嚴地指揮了這個令人心碎的最後收場。Fortinbras speaks the epilogue in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.

在莎士比亞的《哈姆雷特》中,由福丁布拉斯念收場白。She watched him in his loneliness, wondering where he would end.

她眼看着他孤孤單單,不知他將怎麼收場。(esp in Elizabethan drama)actor who speaks the prologue and epilogue of a play

(尤指伊麗莎白時代戲劇中)(宣讀開場白和收場白的)男演員.I just hope for their sakes that none of these people ends up knocking down a child


n. 最後部分,末端,盡頭;終止;結局;死亡;目的;一端,一方;部分

v. 結束,終止

adj. 最後的,最終的

Is the conference ended?

會談結束了嗎?To join or be joined end to end;abut.

首尾相連在末端相連或毗連;鄰接 Tie this end to the pole but leave the other end free.

將這一端系在柱子上,讓另一端鬆開著。 winding是什麼意思:

adj. 彎曲的,蜿蜒的

n. 線圈

The wind is blustering.

風在呼嘯狂吹。Wind power: Use of the energy in winds to produce power.

風力:利用風的能量來產生動力。wind energy potential

風能潛力 down是什麼意思:

prep. 在…下,沿着

v. 下降,打倒

n. 潦倒;羽絨;丘陵

Down with hegemonism!

打倒霸權主義!The sun is down.

太陽下山了。Close down autos and you close down steel and rubber.
