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【詞語】 驚羨

【全拼】: 【jīnɡ xiàn 】

【釋義】: 見"驚羨"。



1. 當我瞭解到作者才35歲,還不足我年齡一半的時候,更驚羨他青年有爲,後生可畏,和他藝術生命的強勁。

At 35 years old, not half of my life, he has achieved such accomplishments and enjoyed a strong life tension of art, which I exclaim in great surprise.

2. 我完全相信所有事情都是緣份使然,我在這裏的時間已成爲我另人驚羨的人生經歷。

I truly believe that things happen for a reason and my time here now has been an amazing experience.

3. 從山頂上看到的美景,使我驚羨不已。

The beautiful view from the top of the mountain took my breath away.

4. 而在語言及文學方面,其成就是日漸令人驚羨的。

But in language and literature the accomplishments were breathtaking.

5. 今年歐元區的經濟力量讓人屢屢驚羨,它的長期前景也將是一片光明。

This year the euro area's economic strength has been a source of surprise.

6. 更多時候,你會讚歎其作品中令人驚羨的洞察力。

More often, it's the unexpected insight.

7. 從山頂上看到的美景,使我驚羨不已。

Top'.''of the mountain took my breath away.

8. 我現在已經從事火山研究20多年了,但我仍然驚羨於它們的美麗以及它們潛在的巨大破

Having studied volcanoes now for more than twenty years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.

9. 他們驚羨地瞅着珠兒,似乎她是變成小姑娘模樣的海水的泡沫,被賦予了海中發光生物的靈魂,於夜晚在船下閃爍。

And they gazed wonderingly and admiringly at pearl, as if a flake of the sea-foam had taken the shape of a little maid, and were gifted with a soul of the sea-fire, that flashes beneath the prow in the night-time.

10. 很多人驚羨他的成功。

Many marvel at his success.

11. 當年七仙女來到桂林,她們立即就被這人間的美景驚羨了。

The seven fairies came to Guilin, they immediately were the envy and amazement of the beauty of earth.

12. 我們需要全心全意地過好每一時刻,動用我們所有感官:呼吸後花園裏的芬芳、悅目於六歲小兒的蠟筆彩繪、驚羨彩虹的千嬌百媚。

We need to live each moment wholeheartedly, with all our senses & finding pleasure in the fragrance of a back-yard garden, the crayoned picture of a six-year-old, the enchanting beauty of a rainbow.

13. 巨大的珊瑚山看起來就像一座水底公園,引以爲豪的海扇和海綿閃耀出紫色的,橙色的和其它令人驚羨的色彩和形狀。

The giant coral mountain looked like an undersea garden, boasting sea fans and sponges in brilliant shades of purples, oranges and other amazing colors.

14. 多維社記者張愈編譯報道/中國經濟的飛速發展令投資者目眩神搖和世界驚羨。

China`s economic boom has dazzled investors and captivated the world.

15. 工藝技術之精湛,也令人驚羨叫絕。

The crafting technique of the terracotta warriors is superb.

16. 讀她作品時,我驚羨於她的成就。

Reading her work I was lost in admiration for what she had achieved.

17. 我們不禁要驚羨地問一句:一個月前這些種子還在哪兒呢?

One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago?

18. 山谷那一邊的景色令人驚羨不已。

There were breathtaking views across the valley.

19. 我們常常驚羨於人類文明史上的一個又一個奇蹟。

One and another wonders of human history always met exclamation with admiration.

20. 改革開放以來,我國取得巨大發展成就,令世人驚羨。

It is admirable and marvelous that our state has attained distinguished achievements and great development since the reform and opening up in the world.