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  • 1Do not all you can, spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all youknow. 不要爲所
  • 2Be always as merry as ever you can, for no-one delights in a sorrowful man. 務請心情常歡暢,只因無人喜憂傷。 諺語大全
  • 3betty and bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar 繞口令大全
  • 4An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue. 牛因有腳而被抓,人因有舌而遭殃。 諺語大全
  • 5Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. 學問在得意時是裝飾品
  • 6Money is neither good nor bad, but all depends on what use is made of it. 金錢本身無好壞,要看怎樣利用它。 諺語大全
  • 7It is better to be alone than in bad company. 無友要比交壞友好。 諺語大全
  • 8A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity. 蠢人裝聰明,實在最可憐。 諺語大全
  • 9A man is not good or bad for one action. 判斷人的好壞不能憑一次行爲。 諺語大全
  • 10A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. 一本好書今天如此,將來也如此,永不改變。 諺語大全
  • 11I can live for two months on a good compliment. (Mark Twain , American writer) 只憑一句讚美的話我就可以充實地活上兩個月。
  • 12A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that its the boundary of the world. 坐井觀天。 諺語大全
  • 13Learn to suffer without complaining; that is the best thing I can teach you. 要學會受痛苦而不怨,這是我教你的至要之事。
  • 14Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot. 病來如山倒,病去如抽絲。 諺語大全
  • 15He that gains well and spends well needs no account book. 收支正當,無須記帳。 諺語大全
  • 推薦閱讀

  • 1Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 人的教養始於教育,成於社交。 諺語大全
  • 2Consequently, the extra money obtained from part-time job wi
  • 3Send a wise man on an errand, and say nothing to him.智者當差,不用交代。 諺語大全
  • 4A good surgeon must have an eagles eye, a lions heart, and a ladys hand. 出色的外科醫生必須心明眼亮和有一雙靈巧的手。 諺語大
  • 5Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. 善良是連結社會的金鍊。 諺語大全
  • 6A discontented man knows not where to sit easy. 不滿足者坐無寧時。 諺語大全
  • 7A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不恥下問纔能有學問。 諺語大全
  • 8A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. 愚者所問,智者難答。 諺語大全
  • 9Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression. 人生必須永遠前進,纔不愧爲有理智的人。 諺語大全
  • 10By gambling we lose both time and treasure, two things most precious to the life of man. 賭博使我們丟失時間和金
  • 11A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 一本好書,莫逆之交。 諺語大全
  • 12In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever. 選擇妻子也象策
  • 13Better be alone than in bad company. 交損友不如無友。 諺語大全
  • 14The parks are becoming more advanced and new technology allo
  • 15A wanderer who is determined to reach his destination does not fear the rain. 決心趕到目的地,浪漢何懼雨來淋。 諺語大全